1 to 100 Counting in Hindi

1 to 100 Counting in Hindi – Many people do not know how to count in Hindi, due to which they often have to face problems. Therefore, detailed information about Hindi counting is given in this blog. Hindi counting from 1 to 100 is given below in this article. If you do not recognize Hindi counting, then Hindi Ginti are given below with their Hindi names, which will help you to know Hindi counting.

Counting in Hindi

Counting from 1 to 100 in hindi

0-Zero० – शून्यShunya
1-One१- एकEk
2-Two२- दोDo
3-Three३- तीनTeen
4-Four४- चारChar
5-Five५- पांचPanch
6-Six६- छ:Cheh
7-Seven७- सातSaat
8-Eight८- आठAath
9-Nine९ – नौNao
10-Ten१०- दसDas
11-Eleven११- ग्यारहGyaarah
12-Twelve१२- बारहBaarah
13-Thirteen१३- तेरहTehrah
14-Fourteen१४- चौदहChaudah
15-Fifteen१५- पंद्रहPandrah
16-Sixteen१६- सोलहSaulah
17-Seventeen१७- सत्रहSatrah
18-Eighteen१८- अठारहAtharah
19-Nineteen१९- उन्नीसUnnis
20-Twenty२०- बीसBees
21Twenty One२१ – इक्कीसIkis
22Twenty two२२ – बाईसBais
23Twenty three२३ – तेइसTeis
24Twenty four२४ – चौबीसChaubis
25Twenty five२५ – पच्चीसPachis
26Twenty six२६ – छब्बीसChabis
27Twenty seven२७ – सताइसSatais
28Twenty eight२८ – अट्ठाइसAthais
29Twenty nine२९ – उनतीसUnatis
30Thirty३० – तीसTis
31Thirty one३१ – इकत्तीसIkatis
32Thirty two३२ – बत्तीसBatis
33Thirty three३३ – तैंतीसTeintis
34Thirty four३४ – चौंतीसChautis
35Thirty five३५ – पैंतीसPaintis
36Thirty six३६ – छत्तीसChatis
37Thirty seven३७ – सैंतीसSetis
38Thirty eight३८ – अड़तीसAdhtis
39Thirty nine३९ – उनतालीसUntaalis
40Forty४० – चालीसChalis
41Forty one४१ – इकतालीसIktalis
42Forty two४२ – बयालीसByalis
43Forty three४३ – तैतालीसTetalis
44Forty four४४ – चवालीसChavalis
45Forty five४५ – पैंतालीसPentalis
46Forty six४६ – छियालिसChyalis
47Forty seven४७ – सैंतालीसSetalis
48Forty eight४८- अड़तालीसAdtalis
49Forty nine४९ – उनचासUnachas
50Fifty५० – पचासPachas
51Fifty one५१ – इक्यावनIkyavan
52Fifty two५२ – बावनBaavan
53Fifty three५३ – तरेपनTirepan
54Fifty four५४ – चौवनChauwan
55Fifty five५५ – पचपनPachpan
56Fifty six५६- छप्पनChappan
57Fifty seven५७ – सतावनSatavan
58Fifty eight५८- अठावनAthaavan
59Fifty nine५९ – उनसठUnsat h
60Sixty६० – साठSaath
61Sixty one६१ – इकसठIksath
62Sixty two६२ – बासठBaasath
63Sixty three६३ – तिरसठTirsath
64Sixty four६४ – चौंसठChausath
65Sixty five६५ – पैंसठPensath
66Sixty six६६- छियासठChiyasath
67Sixty seven६७ – सड़सठSadhsath
68Sixty eight६८ – अड़सठAsdhsath
69Sixty nine६९ – उनहत्तरUnahtar
70Seventy७० – सत्तरSattar
71Seventy one७१ – इकहत्तरIkahtar
72Seventy two७२ – बहत्तरBahatar
73Seventy three७३ – तिहत्तरTihatar
74Seventy four७४ – चौहत्तरChauhatar
75Seventy five७५ – पचहत्तरPachhatar
76Seventy six७६- छिहत्तरChiyahatar
77Seventy seven७७ – सतहत्तरSatahatar
78Seventy eight७८- अठहत्तरAdhahatar
79Seventy nine७९ – उन्नासीUnnasi
80Eighty८० – अस्सीAssi
81Eighty one८१ – इक्यासीIkyasi
82Eighty two८२ – बयासीByaasi
83Eighty three८३ – तिरासीTirasi
84Eighty four८४ – चौरासीChaurasi
85Eighty five८५ – पचासीPachasi
86Eighty six८६ – छियासीChiyaasi
87Eighty seven८७ – सतासीSataasi
88Eighty eight८८ – अट्ठासीAthasi
89Eighty nine८९ – नवासीNauasi
90Ninety९० – नब्बेNabbe
91Ninety one ९१ – इक्यानवेIkyaanave
92Ninety two९२ – बानवेBaanave
93Ninety three९३ – तिरानवेTiranave
94Ninety four९४ – चौरानवेChauraanave
95Ninety five९५ – पचानवेPachaanave
96Ninety six ९६ – छियानवेChiyaanave
97Ninety seven९७ – सतानवेSataanave
98Ninety eight९८ – अट्ठानवेAthaanave
99Ninety nine९९ – निन्यानवेNinyaanave
100Hundred१०० – एक सौEk Sau